Friday, June 12, 2009

Myself and A the Bee

Talking to A has become a regular activity which I enjoy but Iam very scared. There are many things that make my head spin. One fact is that I think about the future (a certain aspects like my carrer etc) all the time and one reason is that it shapes my present and therefore my actions. It might not sound very practical to alot of people but this is how I work now. Sometimes it is important regardless of the fact that what has to happen will happen and theres absolutely nothing I can do to stop it or change what has to happen. Well the importance obvioulsy needs an explanation for support. Its like, thinking about it makes me want to work harder or not fall in love; and love being a separate topic should be kept aside for the moment.

A thinks I have alot to learn. I cant disagree with A but I think theres a reason why people are the way they are. Iam still thinking about all this.

Disclaimer: I will continue on writing regardless I might jump from topic to topic and it may sound disconnected, Im loving the flow of thoughts tonight.

I havent done anything constructive or new this summer which is quite sad. Its about time I start my summer project. Ive been watching movies and sleeping. A is right I should make the best out of this time.

What I love the most is when things go in harmony like right now, its perfect timings, Iam able to post everything that is in my head right now.

I think whatever A said was perfectly true. Iam a sucker when it comes to admitting things. Maybe stubborn is the right word to use.

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