Monday, June 22, 2009

Friendly Faces

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RA :I must write. I must write all the more. There is much I have seen in life, and there is much to be put to the page. The Page is where I listen to the world, to my Self, to the story of the Universe...

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Good for you. I'm having a total block, but it's not that bad. I just need to W-O-R-K to overcome.

I can empathise. I hate these blocks!

I had a block for ten years and it magically disappeared in January this year... thanks to morning pages (Julia Cameron). that's really strong stuff

Ha ha! Agnes -- I have taken to writing Morning Pages since a month ago. What a release of life's potential they are! They work beyond just writing. They open ME up!

Is that true in your experience too?

I just got introduced to morning pages, i want to know more

Morning Pages -- a writing technique. Each morning (it has to be morning, not later), write three pages with your hand -- not on computer. Three A-4 sized pages of whatever comes to your mind. It can be a ramble, it can be nonsense. Don't think, just write whatever comes to the mind.

It can be a bit difficult and very time consuming for the first
couple of days, because the mind is used to blocking. The idea of these pages is to remove the mental blocks. Transfer the thoughts in the head via the hand onto the page.

This technique does more than just shape up writing: it shapes up one's life.

I just googled it and Im going to start it ASAP. It sounds painful though ;) Thanks RA and Agnes

Someone to whom I recently mentioned the Morning Pages told me yesterday: "I tried to do it, but I couldn't. I got up one morning, and only managed to write half a page. Then I couldn't go on -- but I had risen early, so I got to office earlier. And now I've been going to office earlier since -- I actually get a lot more work done!"

I said, "You see? Only half a page written once made a difference!"

oh btw do we have to read what we write? I cant do that now

Ummm... the pages are more about writing than reading. Initially, they'll be just nonsense. Over a few days, I noticed that the pages started revealing very good insights.

How about you take up the practice and see where it leads you? The practice will lead you on its own. :)

Here's the key: Don't think about it. Just do it! :)

Gosh, this is quite a trail.... I did morning pages for half an hour each day for a month and that was it. It undid a ten year writer's block and now I can't stop. It's like a well LOL. They are not meant to be read: they are there to empty your mind of your negativity and get you past that negativity. If you do it long enough, you'll realise that you can't write negatively including about your writing for more then ten minutes before getting bored stiff... so you move into interesting stuff. I put a star in the margin of the lightbulb moments I get. It gets you into creative writing. It's amazing. It's also about setting time for yourself: which nurtures the creativity and the energy to do things.

Thanks Agnes, you and RA have appeared like angels today ;)

You are welcome.. Your block should melt away easily. Please don't work hard at doing it: nourish your soul

Big hug

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